Welcome to CURB’s Medium page. Let’s imagine a new world together.
Founded in 2003, Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) is a coalition of more than 80 member organizations working to: 1) reduce the number of people imprisoned; 2) reduce the number of prisons and jails in the state; and 3) shift state and local spending from corrections and policing to health and human services.
CURB connects movements for social, environmental, racial, and economic justice. We create and amplify strategies that use a divest/invest framework in order to create intersectional, systemic change and better health outcomes for vulnerable populations, particularly women; Black, brown and Indigenous people; youth and elders; LGBTQ+ individuals; and low-income folks.
CURB’s staff believes that prison abolition is both a theory of change and the most practical political strategy to meet the current moment. To that end, articles we share with Medium will demand an end to California’s incarceration addiction and the creation of a new vision for public safety that centers public health. We look forward to sharing powerful perspectives from across our coalition with the Medium community.
Peace and Power,
Amber-Rose Howard
Brian Kaneda
Brianna Mims
Dax Proctor
CURB is Black-led and prioritizes the wisdom and lived experiences of people directly impacted by incarceration.